Neck Training: Strengthen, Flex, Protect

The neck, often overlooked in our fitness routines, plays a crucial role in supporting our heads and maintaining proper posture. Neglecting neck training can lead to stiffness, discomfort, muscle imbalance, and an increased risk of injury.

In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of neck training and provide a simple yet effective guide to help you unlock the power of a strong and flexible neck.

Why Train Your Neck?

The neck is a remarkable but delicate structure comprising muscles, tendons, and vertebrae that support the head's weight and facilitate movement. It can offer various benefits for individuals in different contexts, including fitness, sports, and general health.

Neck training offers a range of benefits:

  • Reduced Neck Pain: Strengthening the neck muscles can alleviate tension and reduce chronic neck pain.

  • Improved Posture: A strong neck contributes to better overall posture, reducing the likelihood of slouching and forward head positioning.

  • Injury Prevention: A well-conditioned neck is less susceptible to injuries caused by sudden movements or impacts.

  • Look better: Working on your neck can make you look better, especially if you’re into bodybuilding.

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Neck exercises promote flexibility, allowing for a broader range of motion in daily activities.

Neck Training Exercises (and how to do them)

Neck Flexion and Extension:

-Slowly tilt your head forward, bringing your chin towards your chest. Hold for a few seconds.

-Tilt your head backwards, looking up toward the ceiling. Hold for a few seconds.

Side-to-Side Neck Stretch

-Tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear towards your shoulder. Hold for a few seconds.

-Repeat on the other side.

Isometrics Neck Exercises

-Press your palm against your forehead, creating resistance by trying to move your head forward. Hold for a few seconds.

-Repeat the process with your hand on the side of your head (resisting lateral movement) and against the back of your head (resisting backward movement).

Neck Rotation

-Slowly turn your head to one side, then to the other, without forcing the movement.

Resistance Training

-Incorporate resistance with a neck harness + weights for added challenge. Start with light resistance and gradually increase as your strength improves.


Before you start any neck exercises, it's essential to warm up by gently rotating your head and doing some neck stretches. Always perform exercises in a controlled manner (slow tempo 2-3-2-3) to avoid injury.

You will use your hands as a form of resistance.

30s-60s break in between set.

1-3x a week after your main workout with at least 48h in between session.


Neck Flexion: 3 x 8-12


Neck Extension: 3 x 8-12


Side to Side (left): 3 x 8-12


Side to Side (right): 3 x 8-12


Hold still - Isometric (front): 3 x 10-20s


Hold still - Isometric (back): 3 x 10-20s


Neck Rotation (left): 3 x 10


Neck Rotation (right): 3 x 10

Safety Tips

Start Slowly: Begin with gentle movements and low resistance.

Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain or discomfort, stop the exercise immediately.

Consult a Professional: Seek guidance from a healthcare professional or fitness trainer, especially if you have pre-existing neck conditions.

It's important to note that neck training should be performed with caution, under the guidance of a fitness professional or physical therapist, especially if you are a beginner or if you have any pre-existing neck conditions.

Overtraining or using improper form can lead to injuries, so it’s essential to approach neck training with care and gradually increase the intensity and resistance with a neck harness as your neck muscles become stronger.

Neck harness with resistance attached to it.

Neck training is a valuable component of overall fitness that should not be ignored. By incorporating these simple exercises into your routine, you can strengthen, flex, and protect your neck, promoting better posture, reducing pain, and lowering the risk of injuries.

Remember, consistency is key, and always prioritize safety in your fitness journey. Unlock the power of neck training and experience the benefits for yourself!

Start your journey now


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